Sedation Options

Most patients receive endodontic treatment without any nitrous oxide or sedation. However, if you are feeling especially nervous, nitrous oxide or mild sedation will help you to feel more calm and relaxed. Regardless of whether you choose one of these options, the doctor will still ensure you are thoroughly numb and won't feel a thing.


Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

  • What does it do? Helps you to feel more relaxed and reduces anxiety

  • How is it administered? Breathed in through your nose

  • How long does it last? Effects start and stop within a few minutes

  • Can I drive? Yes, you can drive afterward

Mild Sedation

  • What does it do? Helps you feel more relaxed and reduces anxiety.

  • How is it administered? A prescription medication taken by mouth one hour before the appointment. An additional dose may be taken the night before to help ensure a good nights sleep.

  • How long does it last? Effects are felt in 1-2 hours and last 3-5 hours

  • Can I drive? No. You cannot drive to or from your appointment. A driver is required.

  • A consultation is required prior to scheduling for treatment